packaging machine using vacuum package, vacuum for it is a very important work condition, we all know that vacuum pump is for other equipment to provide vacuum environment, so it is critical in the role of
packaging machine, it is in use for a period of time also can appear some fault phenomena, on the common faults of the solution details are as follows:
1, vacuum packaging machine vacuum pump seal strength is not enough: low temperature adjustment time is too short, should be readjusted;
Vacuum time adjustment is too short, we should readjust - or less
Heat sealing chamber is broken, and should be replaced.
2, no heat sealing: nickel chrome leather burn, should change new.
Heat sealing back line loose, break, should be tightened to reconnect;
2 c main contact point contact undesirable, should adjust or change new;
2 c didn't work, you should check the sj 1 2 sj normally closed normally open contacts are in good condition.
3, vacuum not or no vacuum: if the bags leak, should change new packaging;
A vacuum heat sealing chamber without the vacuum, 1 dt doesn't work, should be on troubleshooting;
1 dt core on seal or magnetic seal leakage in the bubble, should repair or change new.
4, vacuum packaging machine vacuum pump constantly: overtime reason is ISJ doesn't work, should repair or change new.
5, sealing surface uneven or corrosion, temperature regulation is too high too long time, should be to adjust;
2 sj doesn't work, should be to repair or change new adjustment.
6, after the heat sealing gas back: 2 sj normally open contact undesirable, should adjust or change new;
2 dt doesn't work, should be maintenance or troubleshooting.
is vacuum packaging authorities at or above the common faults in a vacuum pump solution is introduced.
Equipment failure is inevitable, we can do is to master its correct use, installation and maintenance, do that, equipment failure rate will decrease, the corresponding also can become a long service life.
: wp
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