What are the folding filter material? With the progress of the times,The development of industry,Our economy is getting higher and higher.However, the problems of environmental pollution, water pollution and so on emerge one after another,We can't afford to fight.Especially water pollution,Our daily cooking and drinking are inseparable from water.At this time,Some merchants have come up with a method of filtering to isolate some substances first,Is the filter element to be said today,The filter element can separate the solid particles in the liquid or air,What material is the folding filter made?The common material of folding filter membrane is generally divided into: PP (polypropylene ),PES (PES ),PTFE (PTFE ),.The pressure difference is low, the pollution removal capacity is strong, and the chemical compatibility is wide,Low cost of use,It can be used for various medium and high efficiency air filtration and pre-filtration of water treatment The filter accuracy range can be from 0.1 μm to 60
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A simple filter for homemade fish tanks. how about you? Give some advice !! 1. First of all, the pulsating bottle mouth is now marked with several small eyes,Increase the flow of water,Prevent the water from coming out of the overflow,Of course, if your pump power is relatively small,It is OK not to eye.2. then,Cut off the bottom of the bottle.3. then the prototype came out,The next one is simple,A layer of the filter can be stuffed in,Remember that the mouth of the bottle is lowered.The back of the tank is the first time the landlord did it.4. As for what filter material to put,How to put,This is what you like,I put the ball,Filter cotton,Ring of nitrate bacteria,Relatively simple,The main bottle is not big,Can't put too many things,After all, it is the outlet of the filter box,Do 2 filtering,The water flowing over is also equivalent to coarse filtration once.5. then go into the water.First, the filtering methods mainly include physical filtration, biological filtration, chemical filtrati